Hellfest 2014

Hellfest 2014, jeden z największych metalowych festiwali na świecie jak zwykle odbędzie się we francuskim miasteczku Clisson, tym razem w dniach 20-22 czerwca 2014 r.
Tak prezentuje się niemal kompletny line-up imprezy:
Piątek 20 czerwca 2014
Mainstage 1: Iron Maiden, Rob Zombie, Queensryche, Sabaton, Therapy!, Satan, Crossfaith, Nightmare
Mainstage 2: Slayer, Trivium, Sepultura, Death Angel, MOD, Toxic Holocaust, Fueled by Fire, Doyle Airence, Angelus Apatrida
The Altar: Death, Kataklysm, Septic Flesh, Hail of Bullets, Nocturnus AD, Loudblast, Blockheads, Kronos, Weekend Nachos
The Temple: Watain, Enslaved, Turisas, Impaled Nazarene, Destroyer 666, Gehenna, Impiety, Necroblood + 1 band
The Valley: Electric Wizard, Godflesh, Kylesa, Kadavar, Royal Thunder, Downfall of Gaiia, Caspian, Conan, Mars Red Sky
The Warzone : Walls Of Jericho, Pro Pain, Downset, Slapshot, Defeater, First Blood, Brutality Will Prevail, Stick Your Guns + 1 band
Sobota 21 czerwca 2014
Mainstage 1: Aerosmith, Deep Purple, Status Quo, Extreme, Skid Row, Buckcherry, Lez Zeppelin, Killers
Mainstage 2: Avenged Sevenfold, Soulfly, Hatebreed, Dagoba, We Came as Romans, Protest The Hero, Miss May I, Of Mice and Men, Darkness Dynamite
The Altar: Carcass, Nile, Gorguts, The Church of Pungent Stench, Incantation, Supuration, Benighted, Mercyless
The Temple: Gorgoroth, Eluveitie, Tsjuder, Shining, Skyclad, Mgła, Trollfest, Temple of Baal + 1 band
The Valley: Monster Magnet, Clutch, Phil Anselmo & The Illegals, Acid King, Witch Mountain, Subrosa, Saviours, Herder, Hark
The Warzone: Millencollin, Comeback Kid, 7 seconds, Bl'ast !, Misconduct, Burning heads, Ays, Stinky Bollocks + 1 band
Niedziela 22 czerwca 2014
Mainstage 1: Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, Megadeth, Alter Bridge, Seether, Crowbar, Lofofora, Blues Pills
Mainstage 2: Emperor, Iced Earth, Behemoth, Annihilator, Angra, Powerwolf, In Solitude, Scorpion Child, Year Of The Goat
The Altar: Opeth, Paradise Lost, Soilwork, The Black Dalhia Murder, Unleashed, Repulsion, Ulcerate, Obliteration, Carnal Lust
The Temple: 1349, Vreid - Sognametal, Solstafir, Equilibrium, Urfaust, Dordeduh, The Ruins Of Beverast, Aluk Todolo, Azziard
The Valley: Unida, Spirit Caravan, Dozer, House Of Broken Promises, Black Tusk, Lowrider, Zodiac, Satan's Satyrs, Watertank
The Warzone: Turbonegro, Floggin Molly, Misfits, Mad Sin, Last Resort, The Bones, Tagada Jones, Crushing Caspars, Cobra
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